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Geefull website personal information protection policy
Geefull website platform refers to the platform operated by guangzhou Geefull metal and plastic products co., ltd. and other cooperative operators, including but not limited to the website and mobile website of Geefull, hereinafter referred to as "the platform".In view of the characteristics of the network, the platform will inevitably have a direct or indirect interaction with you. Therefore, it is hereby stated that the platform adopts the collection, use and protection policy for users' personal information. This personal information protection policy is applicable to all services provided by Geefull website.Please be sure to read it carefully, if you have any questions about this "personal information protection policy", you can send your questions to, we will timely solve your problems.This personal information protection policy includes the following aspects:
1. Information that may be collected by the platform
2. How might the platform use the information
3. How will the platform protect information security
4. Principle of reasonable use and disclosure of information
5. Member's account number and password
6. Protection of minors' personal information
7. The Cookies
8. Modification of personal information protection policy
9. Governing law and dispute resolution
1. Information that may be collected by the platform
1.1 The information you provide
1.1.1 When you register or use the services provided by the platform, you provide some personal data to the platform.These personal data may include:
1) Personal identification information: such as name, gender, age, date of birth, id number (or passport number), bank account number, telephone number, correspondence address, address, E-mail address, etc.;
2) Personal background information: occupation, education, income, marriage, family status, etc.
1.1.2 Information independently published by you through the services provided by the platform, such as articles, pictures, comments, etc.
1.1.3 You have the right to inquire, read, supplement, correct or delete the information you provide.
1.2 Information that may be obtained by the platform
1.2.1 Log information.When you use the services provided by the platform, the platform may automatically collect some log information irrelevant to your personal identity through cookies, web beacons or other means.This information includes:
1) Device or application information, such as the configuration information provided by the hardware device you use, web browser or other programs used to access the services of the platform, your IP address, the version of the hardware device you use and the device identification code, etc;
2) Internet records, such as your search records, browsing records, click records, etc.
1.2.2 location information.When you use the services provided by the platform through mobile devices with positioning functions, the system will collect your geographical location information through GPS or WiFi.You can stop the collection of your geo-location information by turning off the location feature.
2. How might the platform use the information
The platform may use the information collected for the following purposes:
2.1 Provide services to you;
2.2 Help design, optimize and upgrade products and services of the platform;
2.3 Provide you with personalized services, such as displaying and pushing more relevant content and advertisements to you;
2.4 It is used for authentication, security prevention, archiving and backup to ensure the security of the service.
3. How will the platform protect information security
The platform will make encrypted storage of your personal information in accordance with the industry standards, and take the same encryption method of remote backup, to prevent your personal information lost, stolen or tampered with.The platform will take periodic scanning, regular penetration test service and other technical measures to ensure the safety and reliability of the service.
The platform will manage and protect your personal information in strict accordance with national laws and regulations.However, please understand that there may be a hacker political attack, computer virus invasion or attack, government control and other force majeure factors affecting information security.
4. Principle of reasonable use and disclosure of information
The platform respects and protects the personal information of all users. The platform shall make reasonable use and disclosure of the collected personal information subject to one of the following conditions:
4.1 Written or equivalent consent has been obtained from you or your guardian;
4.2 For the purpose of sparing you from any imminent danger of life, body or property;
4.3 To prevent significant harm to the rights and interests of others;
4.4 For the purpose of promoting the public interest and harmless to your significant interests;
4.5 In order to promote the quality of this platform service, and provide related services to you all of the features, this platform may through the associated company and together with a third party to provide relevant service, such cooperation may need this platform to share the necessary information, but we can to ensure data security and used for any other purpose is prohibited.
4.6 When government departments and judicial organs require the platform to disclose personal data in accordance with legal procedures, the platform will provide personal data at the request of law enforcement agencies or for the purpose of public security.
5.Member's account number and password
5.1 The member must properly keep his/her user name and password. The responsibility and loss caused by password theft or disclosure shall be borne by the member himself/herself.
5.2 The member must provide completely correct registration information when he/she forgets his/her password or his/her password is stolen when inquiring the password from jinfeng website, otherwise jinfeng website has the right not to inform him/her according to the principle of confidentiality for members.
5.3 The user name and password of the member can only be used by the member himself, and shall not be transferred or authorized to be used by others in any form. If the same account and password are found to be logged in and used by more than one person at the same time, the website of Geefull has the right to cancel the membership of this account.
5.4 The member's user name, profile picture, profile picture and other account information shall not contain any words or pictures that violate the personal rights of the third party such as the right of reputation, right of portrait, right of name, trademark right, copyright, patent right or other intellectual property rights and other national laws and regulations, public order and good customs, and prohibit or restrict the dissemination.
6.Protection of minors' personal information
It is suggested that minors should obtain the consent of guardians before using the services provided by the platform.The platform will protect the confidentiality and security of minors' personal information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and this personal information protection policy.
7.The Cookies
7.1 Cookies refers to a technology, when users access the Cookies device of this platform, the platform of the server will automatically send Cookies to your browser, and stored in your computer's hard drive, the Cookies he/she is responsible for the records you visit in the future in this platform of a variety of activities, personal data, browsing habits, consumption habits and even credit history.
7.2 Using Cookies, the platform can provide you with more considerate personalized services.The platform may use Cookies to track your browsing habits and other preferences, so as to provide you with information of interest.
7.3 If you do not want your personal information to remain in the cookie, you can configure the browser to disable the cookie, but after the operation of closing the cookie, it may affect your use of the service of the platform.
8.Modification of personal information protection polic
The right to modify and update the personal information protection policy of the platform belongs to guangzhou Geefull metal plastic products co., LTD.In case of any change to the personal information protection policy, the platform will notify you by means of push notification, email or announcement on the official website of Geefull. The changed personal information protection policy will be applicable from the effective date specified in the notice or website.If you continue to use the services of the platform after the revision of this policy, you have fully read, understood and accepted the revised policy and are willing to be bound by the revised policy.
9. Governing law and dispute resolution
9.1 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this personal information protection policy shall be governed by the laws of mainland China.
9.2 Any dispute arising from the interpretation or implementation of this personal information protection policy, you and the platform agree that if no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party may submit the dispute to the people's court at the location of Geefull company for arbitration in accordance with its then effective arbitration rules.The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the parties.
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1.1   请您审慎阅读并选择接受或不接受本协议。除非您接受本协议所有条款,否则您无权注册、登录或使用本协议所涉相应的服务。您的注册、登录、使用等行为将视为对本协议的接受,并同意接受本协议各项条款的约束,本协议将构成您与吉峰网站(广州市吉峰金属塑胶制品有限公司)之间直接有约束力的法律文件。
1.2   本服务协议的效力范围及于吉峰网站的所有产品和服务包括但不限于吉峰网站、手机吉峰网站。当您使用吉峰网站各单项服务时,您同意以单项服务要求的方式接受该单项服务的服务条款以及吉峰网站在该单项服务中发出的各类公告(下列简称为“单项条款”),在此情况下单项条款与本服务条款一起解释与适用。若单项条款与本服务条款存在同类条款的冲突,则在单项条款约束范围内应以单项条款为准。
3.1   为了让您可以正常使用吉峰网站提供的服务,我们需要按照相关法规要求进行实名制管理。吉峰网站会员在注册会员资格时,应提交真实姓名、身份证号码、常住地址、联系方式等个人资料,保证所提交的资料必须真实有效,并注意及时更新修改注册的个人资料,否则吉峰网站有权拒绝其申请或者撤销其会员资格,停止向其提供相关服务。
3.2   在本协议发布前已经注册但没有提供实名认证信息的会员,吉峰网站有权要求其在使用吉峰网站提供的服务前提供姓名、身份证号码、常住地址、联系方式等个人资料,如会员在合理的期限内拒绝提供,则吉峰网站有权拒绝提供相关服务或撤销其会员资格。
3.3   本会员资格只限注册时的用户名使用,不得转让到其他用户名下或借用其他用户使用,否则由此引发的后果将由注册用户承担。
3.4   会员须遵守《互联网用户账号名称管理规定》、《跟帖评论自律管理承诺书》、《北京市微博客发展管理若干规定》、《互联网跟帖评论服务管理规定》、《互联网论坛社区服务管理规定》、《中华人民共和国英雄烈士保护法》的相关要求,遵守“九不准”、“七条底线”的相关规定,不得利用软件、雇佣商业机构及人员等方式散布信息,干扰跟帖评论正常秩序,误导公众舆论,不得发布、传播侵犯第三方名誉权、肖像权、姓名权、商标权、著作权、专利权等人身权或知识产权的内容及其他国家法律法规、公序良俗禁止、限制传播的如下内容:
6.1   鉴于互联网技术的特殊及复杂性,吉峰网站保留根据平台运营情况修改或中断服务而不需通知您的权利,但保证不会对您和第三方的合法权益产生重大影响。
6.2   如因5.3条所述的不可抗力因素、第三方因素及不可预见及控制的因素导致吉峰网站无法继续提供服务,吉峰网站将尽快通知您。
6.3   如会员违反本服务协议中的内容,吉峰网站有权取消会员的会员资格,并终止向其继续提供服务。
7.1   吉峰网站提供的会员服务内容(包括但不限于文字、照片、图形、图像、图表、声音、FLASH 动画、视频、音频等)的知识产权均属于吉峰网站所有,或由第三方授权使用。会员不能擅自复制、改编这些内容、或创造与内容有关的衍生产品。
7.2   会员通过吉峰网站各平台服务上传到吉峰网站各平台上可公开获取区域的任何内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、留言、评论和笔记)的知识产权属于会员或原始权利人所有。会员同意吉峰网站使用、复制、修改、改编、出版、翻译上述内容(整体或部分)并据以创作衍生作品,将上述内容编入当前已知的或以后开发的其他任何形式的作品或产品中。会员同意吉峰网站以吉峰网站名义就上述内容的侵权行为(包括但不限于未经会员许可私自复制、使用、编辑、抄袭、在第三方平台上再次发布会员在吉峰网站平台发布的内容等行为)进行维权,包括但不限于投诉、诉讼等必要的维权措施。
9.1   本协议以及其修改权、更新权均属广州市吉峰金属塑胶制品有限公司所有。
9.2   如本协议的任何条款被视作无效或无法执行,则上述条款可被分离,其余部分则仍具有法律效力。
9.3   本条款中的标题仅为方便而设,不作为解释本条款的依据。
9.4   请仔细阅读以上条款,阅读结束后同意请按“我接受”或相同意思表示的按钮。